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Welcome to the team Gabi!

Vault Marketing Team
Reading Time: 1 minute

Gabriel Dubic is a seasoned IT professional with over 20 years experience in IT.  He has worked for some of the largest IT vendors in the market, including HPE and DellEMC and dealt with most market segments and verticals.

Most recently working within the government sector, in-particular NSW State Government departments as well as higher education.  During his 22 year IT career, he has won a number of awards and accolades from previous employers.

He has joined Vault Cloud as a NSW Business Development Executive with a focus on delivery, education and the onboarding of State Government and critical infrastructure providers into a sovereign, secure cloud service.

We welcome State Government representatives managing Digital Transformation to connect with Gabi as he has a wealth of knowledge on cloud and on-premise strategies for transformation within NSW Government agencies.

On a more personal level, Gabi is family man, he enjoys playing sports with his children and recently found a new passion – learning to play electric guitar like David Gilmore.

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