We leverage our combined expertise across various technology sectors to improve the cyber capability of our clients. Along with our cutting-edge network protection solutions, our team of cyber security and intelligence experts offers consulting services and training programs to empower and enable cyber security for Australian businesses at all levels.
Join Australia’s National Cyber Threat Sharing Platform, AUSHIELD DEFEND, powered by Cybermerc, experts in cyber threat intelligence.
Why choose us?
AUSHIELD DEFEND is a Threat Sharing Platform that links Australian industry, researchers and businesses of all sizes together within a community of digital trust.
New attacks targeting Australian networks can be uploaded to AUSHIELD DEFEND, then investigated and analysed by a collaborating team of expert human researchers, assisted by machine learning. The resulting Cyber Threat Intelligence is shared with the community and used to update across Australian networks, creating a collective defence.
AUSHIELD PROTECT is an affordable, defence-grade cyber security protection service for Australian Small to Medium Enterprises. Developed in Australia with federal funding, AUSHIELD PROTECT is completely automated, providing a fully managed service. AUSHIELD PROTECT clients don’t need to be cyber security experts. When they become part of the AUSHIELD PROTECT mesh network, attacks are blocked automatically.
AUSHIELD DETECT is an Australian-built Intrusion Detection System and Threat Hunting Platform, designed to identify the advanced threats most commonly seen within enterprise networks, such as data breaches, and malware and ransomware attacks. AUSHIELD DETECT provides rapid and detailed insight into patterns of malicious cyber activity within network traffic through sensor deployment and network investigation.
How we work with Vault Cloud?
The partnership with Vault is heavily focused around supporting us with Cybermerc’s infrastructure-as-a-service needs. By allowing Vault to manage our infrastructure we are able to spend more time and resources on managing and prioritising the customers requests. This relationship not only helps us deliver a higher standard of service but evokes a level of trust with customers that wasn’t there before Vault.
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